In just 21 days, you will reconfigure your
consciousness for new thoughts and feelings
moving into the desired reality
where there is already what you want

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How to become healthy, rich,
happy almost effortless, just
by working with thoughts and feelings?

Is this even possible?

Let's figure it out!  

Happiness, health, wealth as well as the fulfillment of any of our desires, a life filled with joy and pleasure - this is what we all strive for. But, few can say about themselves that they get everything they want easily and effortlessly.


What prevents you from getting what you want??

You live in a world full of well-established ideas about the world, life, the nature of reality and about yourself. Humanity has an idea (and persistent attitudes) about how we receive anything in this life.

For example:

- we are here like pawns on a chessboard, nothing depends on us ...

- the world is limited, there is not enough for everyone, therefore we must fight for a place in the sun ...

- to get money you need to work hard, often at the expense of your health...

- not everyone is given to get what they want, such is life ...

- to be healthy you need to exercise, eat healthy food, not have pernicious habits ...

- to be slim you have to keep a diet, not eat, exhaust yourself with sports ...

- in order to enjoy life it is necessary that we are surrounded only by good things and events, and this does not depend on us ...

There are a lot of attitudes that literally make us powerless straws sailing windward. They are also forcing us to act, do a lot of actions, get tired of stress, turn ourselves into biorobots, and our life into a work routine. And where are the millions, yachts, perfect health???

Although, in recent years, much has changed in people's ideas about the nature of reality, not everyone can boast of the ability to easily and effortlessly get what they want.

Well, sometimes even with effort nothing comes of it.

Why comes it?

For many people it is no longer a secret that our life is a reflection of our thoughts and beliefs.

What we believe in, what we are convinced of, what we think about most often shapes our life experience.

Every day we pay attention to certain thoughts, focus on something, and if our focus of attention is directed to the good, the pleasant, the desired then we feel good and get what we want in life.

In fact, the secret of getting what you want is very simple - think and feel what you want, and everything in the universe will contribute to getting it.

It is simple, but not really. Otherwise, everyone would have already lived in the desired reality and would not have asked the question of how to come to the desired life in practice.

Even though we know that we are creating our own reality, our active tool with the help of which we choose in reality this or that - our mind - gets used to thinking in a formulaic way.
Therefore, with all our desire to think in the right direction, we are hindered by the HABITS of OUR MIND!

Get rid of old habits of the mind!
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How does the mind work?

Your mind is an instrument. It allows you to evaluate, ponder, allows you to collect data about the environment in general, allows you to focus and choose your preferences in reality.

All ideas about the world, attitudes, beliefs that you get from the very childhood are HABITUAL STEREOTYPES OF THE MIND. They are the foundation on which your life is built.

As long as you act unknowingly, the mind takes reins.

It controls you by default.

Your mind "obeys" you only so far. When it "is idly hanging about", it focuses on everything. And each such focus evokes a corresponding emotion in you. Each emotion leads you in the direction of the life experience that matches it.

So it turns out that the mind allows you to have everything in life within its own limitations, within the framework of observing what there is, within the framework of a reaction to one and all.

You are not always surrounded by what you like. You may not always consciously choose what to think about. So you get "horrible" as a result.

But what to do, how to get what you want in practice??
You literally have to learn to THINK in a NEW FASHION!
And the corresponding VIBRATIONAL TUNING will help you with this
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How do TUNINGS work?

TUNINGS contain specially selected phrases (statements) on a specific topic. These phrases instantly evoke the desired emotional response adjusting your vibrations to match the desired!

The statements are VERY STRONG. They were compiled on the basis of their positive impact and emotional response to consciousness.

When working with the TUNING, you acquire a NEW HABIT IN THINKING. In other words, you get used …to the new reality.

How to become healthy, rich, and happy?

What is New Reality? The reality that you are used to … is the current reality.

What does it mean “used to”? It means you FEEL it in the here and now. In tautological terms, your current reality is real to you.

And your new reality (in which you are healthy, rich and enjoy life) is UNREAL for you!

Because you DO NOT FEEL it YET.

And it is on the feeling of new reality that the essence of TUNINGS is built.

Special phrases put together form the basis for a sense of what they are talking about.

These phrases have been worked out and tested for a STRONG emotional response, and it gets stronger when you work with them regularly.

VIBRATIONAL TUNING (VIBTUNING) is a training program for your consciousness, as a result of which you get used to new thoughts, get used to new sensations that follow thoughts, and then you "move" into a version of reality that corresponds to your new sensations!


It adjusts for abundance and freedom, opens cash flow, shows financial well-being for you (PDF)

Working with this attunement gradually "moves" you into reality, where you ALREADY live in abundance. You begin to notice abundance around you, to feel calm about money.

You activate in yourself a sense of independence, freedom, many opportunities, and after these feelings evidence of wealth and abundance as well as financial well-being begins to come into your life.
BUY PDF for only 15 $ >>>
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How to work with VIB TUNINGS?

1. The tuning should be read fully focusing on the phrases and feeling the corresponding emotions.

2. You should read the tuning at least 2 times a day, preferably several times. It is strongly recommended that you start your day by reading the settings. In the morning, when you have not yet had time to remember the problems, read the setting, start the day with the feeling that you already have what you want.

Maintain this feeling throughout the day. Before going to bed, be sure to immerse yourself in these feelings as fully as possible. To do this, read the tuning before bed.

3. You can read aloud, you can read it silently, how you personally feel a stronger emotion "this is."

4. To achieve the maximum effect work with one tuning for at least 21 days. During this time the mind will get used to new attitudes. But it is better to work - until you are fully confident that this is already the case.

You yourself will feel that the phrases from the tunings and you are single whole. They will integrate into your consciousness in a natural way.

And then you just realize that your reality is ALREADY physically new. The one you tuned into!

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